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5 Responses to About

  1. Joseph Pringle says:

    I saw a post on vaf about you laser etching switch covers. Did you ever get this going? I would like to learn more. Joseph.pringle@gmail.com

    • Lynn Dixon says:

      Hey Joseph! I bought a 45 watt CO2 laser, and I am fully capable to etching the switches, I was even able (with the help of another VAF forum member) get a hold of the Aveo RockRack artwork for the switches. The problem I was having was trying to get a solid source for the actual switches.

      I was able to get a hold of some Carling switches, and etching those turned out really great. I’ll give you a shout via email and we can discuss.

  2. Hi I’ve been following along on your build for a while and wanted to reach out and see when you’ll be starting the Fuselage. I’m also building an RV-7 and am waiting for my Fuse Kit. Lead times are crazy these days!

    • Lynn Dixon says:

      Hey @garrettclemmer4533 ! Thanks for reading over the blog and thanks for commenting! To answer your question, I think I will be ordering my fuse kit around the end of this year. I work in sales, and with COVID my bonus “fun money” has been a bit “constricted” so I haven’t yet bought the fuselage kit. My wife and I have also enrolled our Daughter into a private Montessori school.

      But, I have been stashing a little extra back to help cover the cost of the kit and I’m hoping to get to place my order in Q4 of this year. I have been watching those lead times keep slipping to longer and longer myself. Do you have any online build logs of your RV-7? I’d be happy to subscribe and follow along!

      • Garrett Clemmer says:

        If you are able I would suggest placing your order and getting your name on the list. I think there is quite a backlog. I ordered my Fuse kit in Feb and my crating date was a couple of weeks ago and I haven’t heard anything from Van’s yet about when it will be crated and sent. I’ve heard that the Fuselage kits in particular are very backlogged due to the issues with the quick build kits/primer over the last year or so. Anyway glad to get in touch with you and hopefully someday we will get our birds done and be flying!

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