Right Tank Vent Line and Capacitive Senders

After a short break, I came back down to do some more work on the airplane. Tonight, I was able to get the right tank vent line and the right tank capacitive senders assembled and ready.  This time I cleco’d all the ribs and skin for the right tank in … Continue reading

Left Tank Capacitive Sender

Getting to do some neat work on the fuel tanks now!  I started on the capacitive sender plates that I am planning on putting in the tanks.  These will be my primary means of fuel level indications, with the float style senders being a backup.  Yeap, I am installing both … Continue reading

Anti-hangup Brackets and Fixing the Trap Door and Anti-rotation Bracket

I told myself this was going to be a quick sesison,  just finish up the anti-hangup brackets and we’re done for the night…….it didn’t happen that way :-0 I actually ended up doing a LOT of work, 3.5 hours worth, but I am glad I got it all done.  At … Continue reading

Drilling the Tank Angle Attach Brackets

Short session to start today.  I wanted to get the tank attach angles drilled, and after doing some reading last night, this actually seems straightforward.  Vans gives us a rough idea of where to drill the rivets for the angle attach bracket in the plans with this drawing:   We … Continue reading

Fabricating the Tank Attach Angles

Its time to fabricate some parts! I got home from having dinner with some friends and my family, and felt like knocking out a little bit more on the project, so I decided to tackle fabricating the T-405 tank attach angle brackets.  The plans are a bit vague here, as … Continue reading