Bonding Nylon Conduit to the Ribs

Not much to report on this one. I came down and bonded the nylon conduit to the ribs using fuel tank sealant. Another slightly messy sealant job I guess. It’s only bonding the conduit to the ribs to prevent abrasion from vibration and such. Then I dabbed a little sealant … Continue reading

Installing Nylon Wiring Conduit in the Wings

Another quick working session tonight.  I installed the nylon wiring conduit in both wings, and captured two views of the time lapse.  Here they are: I pulled the 50′ spool of conduit from its shelf, opened the bag and uncoiled it to make it a bit easier to work with.  … Continue reading

Installing the Pitot Mount

This is going to be a long blog, with lots of pictures.  So sit back and get ready.  I got a LOT accomplished today.  It started with the arrival of a few tools I needed.  A nibbling tool, and a Tekton 1/4″ torque wrench.  I wanted to get the Gretz … Continue reading

Stall Warner Continued

After finishing up a previous build session on the fuel tanks, I decided to change gears a bit, since I got some new tools/toys!  I FINALLY bought a proper set of crimpers ands strippers from SteinAir! I was needing these to finish up some wiring on the stall warner.  So, … Continue reading

Assembling the Stall Warner

I wanted to knock something out tonight since it’s been a while since I last worked on the plane.  So, I figured it was time to finish the stall warner.  I had alodined all the parts to it previously, to help prevent corrosion, but I did not get any photos.  … Continue reading

Pre-assembling the Stall Warner

I decided to tackle some small things tonight – The stall warner.  I have been looking forward to this for a while now, because it looks a bit intricate (a nice break from the monotony of the wings!), and includes a little electrical work.  The first step was to open … Continue reading