Hours spent on this task: 2

Finished Deburring Both Flaps

Not really much to report in this build session.  I wanted to get all of my left and right flaps parts deburred and ready for the next step, so I started with the right flap skeleton, and deburred all the holes in those parts.  I took a few minutes break to give my aching hand a chance to recover, and then started deburring the skins for the left and right flaps.  After about 2 hours of work, I now have all of my parts and skins deburred and ready for the next step, which will be priming.  After that, I’ll dimple everything and then rivet it all together.  I haven’t decided if I want to just wait until I have the ailerons ready to prime so I spray the flaps and ailerons parts all together or if I should just go ahead and do them separately.

Anyways, heres two simple photos of the piles of parts for each flap I have ready to go to the next step:

Link to Google Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/rtIRxTj4JGnFyBp83

Hours Worked: 2

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