After taking time away from building for a few days to spend some time with my family, I found a little time tonight to work on the ribs. I am in the process of deburring all the ribs, and at the point of deburring all the little crevices and corners of them now. In the last session, I cleaned up the lightening holes and edges.
I had read on the Vans Airforce Forums about a trick to help with deburring. You take a small scothcbrite wheel, cut it into wedges and then use them on a dremel to get in all the small grooves of the ribs. I tried this tonight, but not sure I am happy with how it worked. I may have the wrong scotchbrite wheels for this.
I gave it a shot on my dremel, and the wheel just didn’t seem to do a good job of deburring, and took a lot of work it seemed. I worked for about an hour or so, and only got about 6 ribs done. The wedge would only last about 1 or 2 ribs before needing to be replaced, which took even more time to cut and shape into a cone. It kind of sucked. After about an hour, I said screw it, and decided to ask a question on the forums about which wheels they were using for this before I waste any more time on trying this. I called it quits for tonight. I think I got about 6 ribs done, oh well. Here’s the photos:
Google Photos Link:
Hours Worked:1