Riveting the Aileron Gap Fairing

I was able to get both the left and right wing aileron gap fairings riveted on the wings.  I captured the process in timelapse, heres those videos: And a better close-up view: I started out by dimpling the W-724 aileron gap fairings to accept the AN426AD3-3 rivets for the skin … Continue reading

Priming Aileron Brackets and Seals, Flap Braces, and Bottom Skins

Another BIG work session done with the help of my wife Tammy!  We managed to get all the bottom skins, aileron brackets, pitot parts, flap braces, and aileron seals primed during this work session.  I thought I captured two time lapse videos, but I must have bumped the camera on … Continue reading

Deburring Flap Braces Seals and Aileron Seals

I did a little work on the W-721 flap braces and W-724 aileron seals tonight.  I had match drilled them to the spars and skins in a previous session, so this session I focused on deburring the holes, edges and getting them ready for priming.  Here are the time lapse … Continue reading