Local weather was pretty crappy, so I didn’t go flying in the Cardinal today, and didn’t have anything else on the docket to finish, so I decided to spend some time working on the RV-7. Picking up where I left off, I needed to get the left tank skin dimpled so that I can start prosealing it and getting it up the point where the right tank is. Simple process: I used my DRDT-2 dimpler, to make quick and easy work of dimpling all these holes. I made sure to NOT dimple the line of rivets that hold the tank baffle on, as they are machine countersunk instead. I also made sure to dimple the screw holes with a #8 dimple, as this is where the tanks skins screw onto the main spar.
And heres some photos of me doing the work, so I can prove to the FSDO that I am the guy building this thing. I am hoping to get the repairman certificate for this aircraft, if and when it ever gets done! I was working by myself, so I hope a couple of selfies is OK.
I did complete the tank skin in a little over an hour. I spent probably ten minutes catching up and reading where I left off, nearly a month ago! I have got to start making these a bit more frequent, or she’ll never get finished.
Hours Worked: 1.25