Building the Left Wing Stand

I picked up some Tapcon screws from Home Depot to use to anchor the wing stands into my concrete floor.  These things are pretty dang nice!  They worked great.  More about them later.  Tonight we finished up the left wing stand.  Just like the right stand, we got it leveled … Continue reading

Right Wing Skeleton Assembly and Drilling

I managed to sneak in a couple hours of work this afternoon.  Tammy was getting Acacia ready to go to “Nanas” house so we could have a date night.  So, I figured I would try to get a little work done while she was dropping the baby off.  Tonight is … Continue reading

Left Wing Skeleton Assembly and Drilling

After completing all of the rib prep, I was finally ready to start doing the skeleton assembly and match drilling for the wings.  The plans tell us to be very cautious of not using tank ribs for leading edge ribs, so I made sure to sort out the two and … Continue reading

Wing Inventory Day 1

Tonight was inventory time.  I was able to get about 90% of the inventory completed, with only a few bits of the smaller bags of hardware left.  I still need to come up with some sort of organization for all these bits of hardware and small pieces of kit.  Surprisingly, … Continue reading

Wing Uncrating

After taking a quick break from unloading the wings, I went back down stairs and started cracking open the crates and unpacking everything to check for any damages.  I am not going to take inventory tonight, as I just want to make sure nothing is damaged right now.  My plan … Continue reading

Wing Delivery Day!

WOOHOO!!! My wings are FINALLY sitting in my garage, waiting to be unpacked.   It started yesterday with a call from ABF Freight telling me my wings were ready for pickup at the terminal.  I decided to pick the up to save money, and because ABF didn’t offer liftgate service … Continue reading