Riveting the Aileron Stiffeners

Since the AKZO had plenty of time to harden, I decided to go ahead and rivet the stiffeners to their skins so I can continue on with the build process.  Since these are backriveted on, this was a very quick little build session, which was nice because I have TONS … Continue reading

Priming the Aileron Skins and Stiffeners

I was pretty happy with the way the Alodine treatment turned out last night, so I figured I would go ahead and lay down some AKZO primer on them to see how well it sticks.  This is going to be a small primer session, with only doing the stiffeners and … Continue reading

Drilling the Aileron Nose Ribs and End Ribs

I am kind of running out of tasks to do until the Alumaprep and Alodine get here.  I was able to get a little work done  tonight though, only about an hours worth.  The next step in the instructions tells us to match drill the A-704 nose ribs, fluting the … Continue reading

Fitting the Aileron Mounts

I ordered 2 quarts of Alumaprep 33 and 2 quarts of Alodine 1201 (Or whatever Bonderite is calling it now that they own it).  The total was just about $100 from Aircraft Spruce. BUT, that’s not going to stop build progress 🙂  Tonight I moved on to the next step, … Continue reading

Drilling, Deburring, and Dimpling the Aileron Stiffeners and Skin

After dealing with Unicoi Aviation’s Taxes, our family taxes, and end of year for work, I decided to hit the shop and do a little building.  I actually made decent progress on the build tonight, and have both ailerons ready for assembly.  I had finished making all of the stiffeners … Continue reading