Match Drilling the Right Fuel Tank

Had a really good build session tonight, and made some really great progress on my fuel tanks.  To pick up from where I left off last, I needed to back drill the tank ribs to the baffle and into the tank attach brackets.  I used my 12″ long #30 (1/8″) … Continue reading

Making the Tank Stiffeners

Tammy and Acacia went on a “Girls Night” with my mom and sister to Knoxville, and they’ll be gone overnight, which freed me up to do some work on the RV-7 tonight.  The work for tonight started with making the tank stiffeners from the provided punched and notched stock.  These … Continue reading

Tank Attach Brackets Part 2

WHAT? I’m actually getting something done on the RV-7?  Yep.  Thats right, I found some more time to work on the airplane tonight. This new position at work has been keeping me busy, but I think I am going to have more time to work on the airplane since I … Continue reading

Drilling The Tank Attach Z-Brackets

Time to drill the tank attach Z-brackets.  I swung by Ace and picked up some cheap 10-32 bolts, nuts and washers to temporarily hold the brackets to the spar for back drilling.  These will get tossed for the final assembly, they’re just used to help steady the bracket for precise … Continue reading