Assembling the Right Aileron

Tonight was pretty much a duplicate of last night.  I started out by assembling the leading edge and the trailing edge skins to the skeleton and match drilling everything. Making sure to drill out the holes along the bottom to a #30 hole where the skins overlap the spars. Once … Continue reading

Assembling the Left Aileron

We’re getting close to having a completed aileron! I was able to fully complete the assembly and drilling of the left aileron tonight, and its parts are now ready for deburring, edge finishing, and priming. I will hold off on that until I have the right aileron done and do … Continue reading

Bending the Aileron Skins

Bending skins is one of those tasks that make me nervous! Van’s ships the aileron skins with the trailing edge bent only just enough to form the trailing edge.  The reason is so that you can easily attach the stiffeners via backriveting.  The task itself is not difficult, but it … Continue reading

Riveting the Aileron Stiffeners

Since the AKZO had plenty of time to harden, I decided to go ahead and rivet the stiffeners to their skins so I can continue on with the build process.  Since these are backriveted on, this was a very quick little build session, which was nice because I have TONS … Continue reading

Priming the Aileron Skins and Stiffeners

I was pretty happy with the way the Alodine treatment turned out last night, so I figured I would go ahead and lay down some AKZO primer on them to see how well it sticks.  This is going to be a small primer session, with only doing the stiffeners and … Continue reading

Drilling the Aileron Nose Ribs and End Ribs

I am kind of running out of tasks to do until the Alumaprep and Alodine get here.  I was able to get a little work done  tonight though, only about an hours worth.  The next step in the instructions tells us to match drill the A-704 nose ribs, fluting the … Continue reading

Fitting the Aileron Mounts

I ordered 2 quarts of Alumaprep 33 and 2 quarts of Alodine 1201 (Or whatever Bonderite is calling it now that they own it).  The total was just about $100 from Aircraft Spruce. BUT, that’s not going to stop build progress 🙂  Tonight I moved on to the next step, … Continue reading

Drilling, Deburring, and Dimpling the Aileron Stiffeners and Skin

After dealing with Unicoi Aviation’s Taxes, our family taxes, and end of year for work, I decided to hit the shop and do a little building.  I actually made decent progress on the build tonight, and have both ailerons ready for assembly.  I had finished making all of the stiffeners … Continue reading

Making the Aileron Stiffeners

Changing of the Blueprints! I started the ailerons tonight.  Having finished up the flaps, the next logical step is for me to do the same for both ailerons.  After looking over the plans, the first step is…..making stiffeners!  Soooo much excitement /sarcasm.  Honestly though, the ailerons look to be a … Continue reading