Riveting the Right Wing Bottom Inboard Skin

This is actually a log entry covering two days of workings sessions.  Tammy and I started riveting on the bottom inboard right wing skin on the 15th, but we weren’t able to complete the build in that session.  So we continued it on tonight. We have to wait until Acacia … Continue reading

Dimpling the Bottom Wing Skins

A little change of pace! I’m back to dimpling skins.  This time around I managed to get all 4 of the bottom skins dimpled: 2 inboard and 2 outboard.  I didn’t snap any photos of this work, but I did get a time lapse of the entire session.  It’s not … Continue reading

Deburring the Bottom Wing Skins

A quick update on this one. I’ve decided to do one big priming session this weekend to be efficient. Planning on priming all the bottom wing skins, the aileron brackets, flap braces and aileron gap seals all in one go.  So, I needed to get the deburring work done on … Continue reading

Riveting the Left Wing Top Skin

Big day today thanks to the help from my wife Tammy!  We managed to get the top skin fully riveted on the left wing! This is a big step in the wing construction, as it means the wing can officially come out of the wing stands, and can go in … Continue reading

Priming the Top Wing Skins

I was able to get all 4 top wing skins primed tonight. They’re ready for dimpling, and then riveting!  It looks like my pitot mast should be here in a day or so, which is pretty good timing, as thats about when I’ll need to get it installed.  I grabbed … Continue reading

Deburring and Preparing the Top Wing Skins

Time to get the top skins ready for priming.  I’m waiting on my pitot mast and some terminal connectors for the left wing, so I decided to go ahead and start prepping the top skins so they’ll be ready for priming then dimpling.  I am priming first, THEN dimpling because … Continue reading

Match Drilling the Right Wing Skins

Tonight was pretty much the same as last night.  I wanted to get the right wing skins match drilled so I can move on to something a little less repetitive.  Just like the left wing, I match drilled the top skins moved the clecos and then reamed those holes.  I … Continue reading

Match Drilling the Left Wing Skins

This build log doesn’t have a lot of photos, as its pretty simple.  But, it did take me 3 hours to complete! Tonight was all about the left wing skins.  I had already gotten the top skins clecoed into place in the last build session, so now the plans tells … Continue reading

Fabricating Wing Walk Doublers

FINALLY! Back to what feels like building again! It’s time to start getting the skins onto the wings.  But first, I need to fabricate the wing walk doublers from some provided aluminum sheet.  The doublers help support the weight of people walking on the inboard section of the wings to … Continue reading