Assembling the Right Aileron

Tonight was pretty much a duplicate of last night.  I started out by assembling the leading edge and the trailing edge skins to the skeleton and match drilling everything. Making sure to drill out the holes along the bottom to a #30 hole where the skins overlap the spars. Once … Continue reading

Drilling the Aileron Nose Ribs and End Ribs

I am kind of running out of tasks to do until the Alumaprep and Alodine get here.  I was able to get a little work done  tonight though, only about an hours worth.  The next step in the instructions tells us to match drill the A-704 nose ribs, fluting the … Continue reading

Building the Right Flap Skeleton Part 2

I managed to get down to the shop and spend a little over an hour finishing up the right flap skeleton.  There really wasn’t much left to do, but I wanted to knock it out while I had some free time.  I started out by clamping down the FL-706A doubler … Continue reading

Building the Right Flap Skeleton

It’s been a while since I was able to get downstairs and do a little work in the airplane factory.  I was focusing on completing some internal giveback project for work, which took up some build time.  The right flap isn’t going to take as much time to build for … Continue reading

Left Flap Assembly Part 2

Tonight I continued working on the flap, with the session starting off by measuring the piano hinge for the flaps, an then clecoing it on.  I picked out the proper piano hinge, AN257-P3 and then cut it to the prescribed length of 56″.  I think Vans has us cut it … Continue reading

Left Flap Skeleton Assembly

Today, I decided to go ahead and start building the flaps.  It was a toss up between ailerons and flaps, and I didn’t want to fool with stiffeners right now, so flaps won.  I am skipping ahead to the flaps because its too cold to ProSeal fuel tanks, and I … Continue reading

Left Wing Skeleton Assembly and Drilling

After completing all of the rib prep, I was finally ready to start doing the skeleton assembly and match drilling for the wings.  The plans tell us to be very cautious of not using tank ribs for leading edge ribs, so I made sure to sort out the two and … Continue reading

Preparing the Left Elevator

I managed to get a TON of work done tonight, and worked a straight 4 hours on the section of plans titled “Preparing the Left Elevator”.  In a nut shell, I completely build entire left elevator, and have it disassembled so all the parts can be deburred, and the edges … Continue reading